


John 2:1-11

Intro: John’s majestic Gospel serves as a magnificent gallery which display the glory of Jesus as no other literature on earth can. As you enter in chapter 1, John gives convincing evidence of the deity of Jesus and proves him to be the God/man. Jesus is shown in all the majesty of His place in the Godhead.

Chapter 2 gives us 2 snapshots from the life of Jesus. In verses 1-11, He is shown at a wedding and in verses 12-25, Jesus is shown at the House of Worship. In the latter scene, Jesus exerted His authority as the Son of God to cleanse the filth from His Father’s house! By the way, God has not changed His mind! His House is still to be a House of prayer, praise and worship. Many in our day have tried to make God’s House a place of merchandise, power and politics. Jesus still stands opposed to such practices.

This morning, I did not come to preach about the scene at the Temple, but rather, the scene at the wedding. In this little snapshot from the ministry of Jesus, He is seen in al of His humanity. This scene pictures a Jesus who is concerned with, and gets involved in, the problems and situations of ordinary, everyday life. In this passage, we encounter a Christ who cares, who can and One who carry’s through for His own! Today, let’s drop in on this little scene in Cana of Galilee and witness John’s Portrait of Jesus: The Son Of Man.


  2. The Circumstances

    – (A wedding – Always a huge social event those days. The celebration could last as long as a week.) We are not told who is getting married, but it is probably some close kinsman to Jesus. It may be a brother, a sister, a cousin, etc. I say that because it seems to have been someone of close relation because Mary is involved in the festivities, v. 1, 3, 5.

(Ill. If this scene teaches us anything, it tells us that Jesus chose to participate in this common, routine, everyday event. Jesus isn’t just for Sunday! He desires, and deserves to be included in all of life!)

(You see, He is either Lord of all, or He isn’t Lord at all in your life – Acts 10:36.)

  1. The Call

    – Jesus is here by invitation! Someone possessed the forethought and thoughtfulness to call Jesus to this event.

(Ill. Never be guilty of attempting to exclude Jesus from any areas of your life. By virtue of His sacrifice for us at Calvary, He deserves inclusion in all we are and in all we do.) Remember 1 Cor. 6:19-20 – If we are truly His, then He has access rights to everything! Some, here today, need to open area of you life up to God. You need to stop holding back and give God access to everything! Ill. In too many lives, Jesus is left standing outside looking in – Rev. 3:20.) (Ill. There are times when Jesus stands ready with the solution to your problem, but instead of butting in, He waits patiently for your invitation! Why not makes that happen today?)

  1. Christ’s Consideration

    Notice that when He was called, Jesus came! In all the events of life, the child of God need never fear Jesus not coming to the aid! He cares and when we call, He will answer us and move in our need – Matt. 7:7-8; Jer. 33:3.

Ill. As the old song says:

“Oh what peace we often forfeit,

Oh what needless pain we bear,

When we do not carry,

everything to God in prayer.”

(Ill. It may not be the Baptist way, but learn to run to Jesus before you climb on the rocking horse of worry – Phil. 4:6-7. Jesus will take you farther, faster!)


  2. V. 3 A Problem

    – Sometime, during these festivities, they ran out of wine. This doesn’t sound like much of a problem to us, but to the Jews, it could be ruinous! First, it was a matter of honor. The bridegroom was responsible for providing adequate supplies. If something ran our before the party was concluded, it simply meant that he hadn’t planned well and hadn’t provided for all of his guests. Secondly, to run out of wine would cause public embarrassment for the groom and his family. Thirdly, in some instances, the offending family could even be fined. Therefore, this was a problem of considerable size to these people.

(Ill. Life doesn’t always go as we had planned it! There are times when problems arise and troubles come our way. This is a common thing – Job 14:1; John 16:33; Eccl. 2:23, “For all his days are sorrows, and his travail grief; yea, his heart taketh not rest in the night. This is also vanity.” It is good to know that when our problems do come that we can take them to Jesus. Those all around us may see them as nothing, but Jesus understands our pain and feels our need – Heb. 4:15.)

(Ill. Christ and His Disciples in the storm tossed boat – Mark 4:36-41; and the Disciples alone in the storm tossed ship – John 6:16-21. In both instances, they felt Jesus was out of touch with their need. Both times they were wrong! Jesus knew their troubles and felt their need. He moved in on their problem and made a difference for them. He will do the same for you!)

  1. V. 3-5 A Procedure

    – In this time of trouble, Mary shows us just what we need to do when troubles arise in our lives. She gives us 2 steps that we should always take in the troublesome times of life.

  2. Flee To Jesus

    – Ill. When the problem arose, Mary took it to the Lord. This is exactly what we need to do – Phil. 4:6-7.

(Ill. Christ’s response to Mary in verse 4 may seem somewhat cruel and cold. Yet, the term “woman” was a polite and common form of address. Jesus is simply reminding Mary that He has a greater agenda to fulfil that hers or that of the rest of the wedding party. In Luke 2:51, the Bible tells us that Jesus was “subject unto them”, referring to Mary and Joseph. Now, He is reminding His mother that it is time for Him to begin to fulfil His Father’s will.)

(Ill. Perhaps Mary is crying out for help as well! For 30 years she has been accused of being, at best, the mother of the bastard child of a Roman soldier because of rape. At worst, she has been accused of being guilty of fornication or even adultery. It may be that Mary is asking Jesus to clear her name. To show them that He is who she has always known Him to be.)

Whatever is on display here, the fact remains that when confronted with a problem, Mary ran to Jesus. What a good example for us to follow!

  1. Follow His Commands

    (Ill. This is the only command ever issued by Mary in all the Bible. For those who feel that Mary is to be reverenced, adored, worshiped and obeyed, this is excellent advice! Just do as Jesus says!

The lesson for us is clear! When problems arise, and troubles toss our lives, the best thing we can do is simply to do what Jesus says to do. Now, what does He say to do?

  1. Matt. 11:28 – Come to Him.
  2. 1 Pet. 5:7 – Cast you cares on Him.
  3. Rom. 8:28 – Trust Him.
  4. Acts 16:31 – Believe on Him for salvation.
  5. V. 6-9 His Performance

    (Ill. The context) Jesus took the commonplace and made it extraordinary! He can change any situation if He is given the opportunity to do so.

  6. It Was Unconventional

    – (Ill. Water to wine!) Jesus won’t always run on your track! He will move in your situation, but He may not do it your way. (Ill. The 3 Hebrews – Why not send an angel to keep them from the fire? He could have, but He chose to deliver them another way. We must remember that God’s ways are not the same as ours – Isa. 55:8-9.

  7. It Was Uncommon

    – (Ill. V. 10b – The governor of the feast is surprised at the quality of this new wine. It was an uncommon thing. Just because God did something one way back then, that doesn’t mean that He will do it that same way in the here and now. Don’t try to squeeze God into your little box, He simply will not fit!

(Ill. Many may question why so called good people suffer. There is no good answer! Ill. The blind man and the clay – John 9:6-7. That clay was painful, but it was just what the blind man needed. It’s this way for you as well!)

  1. It Was Unbelievable – (Ill. The governor didn’t know it, but the servants did!) When you have carried the water and felt its weight, and God moves in and changes it from some ordinary, common event into something that proves to be a blessing in your life, you never get over it.

Nobody in this world may understand what you are going through. Jesus does! And, when He moves in your time of need and turns your darkness to day, when He lifts your burden and shoulders your load, you know it and you will never forget it! To everyone else it was just wine, but to those who knew the truth, it was a miracle!


  1. He Provided That Which Pertained To The Flesh –  (Ill. Wine) He gave them just what they needed in their immediate circumstances. He will do the same for you – Phil. 4:19. The key word in that verse is “all”. A careful study of this word in the Greek reveals that the word really means “all.” He will meet you need!

(Ill. The old widow of Zeraphath and her meal barrel – 1 Kings 17:10-16. God took care of her. Remember Elijah beside the brook – 1 Kings 17:1-6. These people never forgot what God did for them. There are millions of others who could testify as well.)

  1. He Provided That Which Pertained To The Faith

    Notice v. 11 – “His Disciples believed on Him.” Your faith in Jesus is never misplaced! If you display, “mustard seed” faith in your hour of trial, Jesus will enter into that need and will move your mountain. He will never fail His children!

  2. He Provided That Which Pertained To The Future

    – Notice, v. 11 “manifested His glory.” When you see Jesus come through in your hour of crisis, it will do something for you! It will strengthen your faith and give you hope for tomorrow.

(Ill. The feeding of the 5,000 thousand in John 6:1-13. The Disciples are filled with doubt and do not believe that the Lord can do this thing. But, later, when Jesus fed the 4,000, Matt. 15:32-38, we do not find them doubting. (Ill. Contrast how they may have acted each time.) They have seen Him work and know what He can do! They know what’s coming, their faith has been increased!)

(All I am saying is this: “When you see Jesus come through for you today, you have hope for tomorrow’s trials. After all, if He can move that mountain today, then He can move that one you will come to tomorrow!”

Conc: What I want you to take home with you from this message is this: Jesus is tied to the events of your life. He is not just some remote supernatural being who is totally removed from our need. He cares about the smallest details of your life, Matt. 10:29-31, and waits for you to call Him into our times of need so that He can minister to you. What is your need today? Salvation? Are you backslidden? Some burden? A bad situation? Some circumstances beyond your control, but not beyond your ability to worry over? Do as Mary did, bring it to a Lord who cares. Bring it to Jesus!


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