

An interview with our beloved HG Bishop Antony, conducted by Rev. Father Daoud Lamie.

An interview with our beloved HG Bishop Antony, Bishop of Ireland, Scotland, North East England and Its Affiliated regions conducted by Rev. Father Daoud Lamie. Recorded on 20th May 2021 and will be broadcasted today 30th May 2021 at 20:30 EST(Egypt local time) لقاء نيافة الأنبا أنتوني أسقف ايرلندا و اسكتلندا و شمال شرق انجلترا وتوابعها مع أبونا داود لمعي .٢ مايو ٢.٢١ سيبث علي الرابط ادناه اليوم .٣ مايو ٢.٢١ الساعة .٣: ٨ مساء بتوقيت القاهرة


Bishop Moussa, the Youth Bishop’s visit to St Athanasius’ Monastery in Scarborough

زيارة نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا موسي اسقف الشباب في يوم الاثنين ٩ أمشير ١٧٣٦ للشهداء الموافق ١٧ فبراير .٢.٢، قام نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا موسي اسقف الشباب بزيارة دير البابا أثناسيوس الرسولي بالإبارشية. وقد كان في استقبال نيافته، نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا أنتوني أسقف الإبارشية ورئيس الدير . وعند وصول نيافته، صلي رفع بخور عشية وبعدها جلس جلسة روحية مع الاباء الرهبان في مجمع الدير ولفيف من الشعب من أحباء وزوار الدير. وفي صباح اليوم التالي صلي الاباء الأساقفة قداساً حبرياً بكنيسة البابا اثناسيوس بالدير وقد تم نقل القداس علي البث المباشر. بعدها قام نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا موسي وبرفقته بعض من الاباء الكهنة والرهبان بالتجوال حول مرافق الدير المختلفة وأبدي اعجابه بالدير ومرافقه ومنتجاته.  وفي عصر نفس اليوم قام نيافته بمغادرة الدير متمنياً لنيافة الانبا انتوني حياة طويلة مديدة مليئة بالتعمير والخدمة المثمرة. Bishop Moussa, the Youth Bishop’s visit to St Athanasius’ Monastery in Scarborough On Monday 9th Meshir 1736 for the Martyrs, the 17th February 2020, His Grace Bishop Moussa the Youth Bishop, paid a visit to St. Athanasius Monastery in Scarborough. He was welcomed by His Grace Bishop Antony, the Diocese’s Bishop and the Abbot of the Monastery. On arrival, His Grace Bishop Moussa prayed the Vespers, after which he had a spiritual talk with the monks and some of the congregation visiting the monastery. The next day, the Bishops prayed the Holy Liturgy in St Athanasius’ Church in the Monastery, which was broadcasted live. After the Liturgy, His Grace Bishop Moussa, accompanied by some of the clergy and monks toured the Monastery. In the evening, His Grace Bishop Moussa left the Monastery wishing His Grace Bishop Antony a long life filled with more fruitful services and blessings.


The Seven Coptic Monks’ church- Galway

Under the patronage of His Grace Bishop Antony, the Church of the Seven Coptic Monks had their annual celebration on Saturday 9th November 2019. His Grace Bishop Antony led the Holy Liturgy, with the presence of our fathers, the priests, monks and the nuns in the Republic of Ireland. After the Liturgy, the congregation assembled with His Grace and the Sunday School children and youth performed in honour of the celebration.  


On the sixth Sunday of the Holy Lent, 14th April 2019. His Grace Bishop Antony, prayed the Holy Liturgy at St. Michael and St. Bishoy Church in Margate.

On the sixth Sunday of the Holy Lent, 14th April 2019, His Grace Bishop Antony, prayed the Holy Liturgy at St. Michael and St. Bishoy Church in Margate. On the same day, His Grace concluded a three day hymns conference which was from the 12th -14th April 2019, which was participated by many children from different churches of the diocese.


Under the patronage and with the presence of His Grace Bishop Antony, the diocese had the blessing of His Grace Bishop Bernaba of Rome addressing youth and families on “The Active faith”, in a three days faith and doctrine conference. The conference was held at the Coptic Cultural Centre in Ireland from Friday 14th December – Sunday 16th December 2018.

Under the patronage and with the presence of His Grace Bishop Antony, the diocese had the blessing of His Grace Bishop Bernaba of Rome addressing youth and families on “The Active faith”, in a three days faith and doctrine conference. The conference was held at the Coptic Cultural Centre in Ireland from Friday 14th December – Sunday 16th December 2018.


Under the patronage and through the prayers of His Grace Bishop Antony, the diocese organised the Youth Apologetics Conference.

Under the patronage and through the prayers of His Grace Bishop Antony, the diocese organised the Youth Apologetics Conference.This was from Friday 21st September 2018 until Sunday 23rd September 2018, at the Coptic Orthodox Centre in Cahir, Republic of Ireland, with the presence of the guest speaker Apologist George Bassilios.The conference was very successful and benefited a great number of youth who attended from different regions from across the Republic of Ireland and the UK.

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