العيد ال ٤٣ لرهبنة ابينا نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا أنتوني.
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هذا هو اليوم الذي صنعه الرب فلنفرح و نبتهج فيه . فمنا إمتلئ فرحنا وقلوبنا تهليلًا من اجل بركة زيارة ابينا وراعينا واسقفنا المحبوب نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا انطوني لكنيسة القديس العظيم الأنبا أنطونيوس بروزرهام للاحتفال بالعيد الأول لميلاد مدرسة الأنبا أنطونيوس للألحان والشموسيه بالمملكه المتحده حيث قام نيافته بصلاه القداس الالهى و رسامه شمامسه برتبه ابصالتس و كان يوما مفرحا جدا للجميع تعيش وتبارك وتشجع وتفرح ولادك يا سيدنا الحبيب.
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سيدنا نيافة الانبا أنتوني في قداس الذكري الثانية عشر لنياحة مثلث الرحمات البابا الانبا شنودة الثالث.
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هذا هو اليوم الذي صنعه الرب فلنفرح و نبتهج فيه .
فمنا إمتلئ فرحنا وقلوبنا تهليلًا من اجل بركة زيارة ابينا وراعينا واسقفنا المحبوب نيافة الانبا انطوني .لكنيسة القديس مار مرقس بكركالدى يوم الاحد .١ أمشير .٤ ١٧ للشهداء الموافق ١٨ فبراير ٢.٢٤ ، للاحتفال بالعيد الاثنين وثلاثين لتدشين الكنيسه بيد المتنبح البابا شنوده الثالث ، حيث قام سيدنا الانبا انطونى بصلاه القداس الالهى و رسامه شمامسه برتبه ابصالتس و كان يوما مفرحا جدا للجميع ،تعيش وتبارك وتشجع وتفرح ولادك يا سيدنا الحبيب.
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رنموا للرب لانه قد صنع مفتخرا.ليكن هذا معروفا في كل الارض. اش 12: 5
ابتهجت نفوسنا وفرحت اروحنا وتهللت مدينة دونكاستر المحبة للمسيح بزيارة ابينا المحبوب صاحب النيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا انطوني والصلاة معنا في هذا اليوم الاحد ٢٧ أمشير ١٧٣٩ للشهداء الموافق ٥ مارس ٢.٢٣، الذي صنعه الرب واعلن عن بدء انتظام الخدمة في كنيسة السيدة العذراء وموسي النبي بدونكاستر ( ايام الاحاد) واعطي تشجيعا ودعما روحيا للخدام وفرح كل الشعب بوجوده. الشعب ولجنة الكنيسة والخدام والكاهن يشكرون سيدنا الحبيب علي ابوته الغامرة لاولاده. الرب يحفظ لنا وعلينا حياة وقيام ابينا الحبيب الانبا انطوني سنين عديدة وازمنة سلامية هادئة.
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“عَظَّمَ الرَّبُّ الْعَمَلَ مَعَنَا، فصِرْنَا فَرِحِينَ.” (مز 126: 3).
باركنا بالحضور والصلاة معنا اليوم الاحد ١٩ امشير ١٧٣٩ للشهداء الموافق ٢٦ فبراير ٢.٢٣، في كنيسة العذراء مريم والملاك ميخائيل جلاسكو اسكتلندا ابينا نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا انطوني وقد قام نيافته بتدشين اوانى جديدة للخدمة واحتضن الشعب بأبوته ومحبته ورعايته وكان يوما مفرحا للجميع. الرب يحفظ لنا وعلينا حياته وقيامه وتعيش وتبارك ولادك يا سيدنا.
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قد امتلئ قلبنا فرحنا ولساننا تهليلًا بقدوم سيدنا الحبيب نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا أنتوني الي كنيستنا كنيسة الملاك ميخائيل والشهيد العظيم مارمينا في Swansea اليوم الاحد ١٣ امشير ١٧٣٩ للشهداء الموافق ١٩ فبراير ٢.٢٣ وقام نيافته بتدشين اواني للمذبح وسيامة خمسة من الشمامسة في رتبتة ابسالتس كما قام نيافتة ايضا مشكورا رغم تعب نيافته بزيارة ومباركة الكنيسة الجديدة. نشكرة من كل قلوبنا علي هذة البركة الكبيرة وتعيش وتزورنا يا سيدنا.
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ربنا فرحنا جدا بنعمته الغنية النهاردة السبت ١١ أمشير ١٧٣٩ للشهداء الموافق ١٨ فبراير ٢.٢٣ بوجود ابونا الغالي سيدنا الحبيب نيافة الانبا انتوني في صلاة القداس في كنيسة القديسين بطرس وبولس ببرموث. وقد افتقدنا بابوته ومحبته وفرحنا بالروح القدس الساكن والعامل على ايديه المباركتين وسمعنا كلام الحكمة في عظة الحكمة. وباركنا نيافته بعد صلاة الصلح بسيامة الدكتور سمير دياكون باسم مرقس للمساعدة في الخدمة. ربنا يخليك لينا يا ابونا وسيدنا الغالي ويديم لينا محبتك وابوتك وتعيش وتزورنا وتفرحنا.
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صلي اليوم الاحد ١٢ فبراير ٢.٢٣ سيدنا الحبيب نيافة الأنبا أنتوني القداس الإلهي بكنيسة الشهيد العظيم مارجرجس والبابا أثناسيوس الرسولي بنيوكاسل ، وأعطي عظة روحية عن (الشبع بالمسيح) ، وقام نيافته بسيامة ١٠ شمامسة في رتبة إبسالتس وكان يوم مفرح لكل الشعب ، ربنا يديم أبوة ومحبة نيافته يا سيدنا .
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اول مؤتمر للاباء اساقفة الكنيسة القبطية الارثوذكسية في اوروبا
استضافت إيبارشية ايرلندا واسكتلندا وشمال شرق إنجلترا وتوابعها تحت رعاية نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا أنتوني اسقف الإيبارشية فعاليات المؤتمر الاول للاباء اساقفة الكنيسة القبطية الارثوذكسية في اوروبا، بالعاصمة الايرلندية دبلن، وذلك في الفترة من يوم الثلاثاء ٤/ .١ الي الخميس ٦ / .١
اختتمت اليوم الخميس ٦/ ١٠/ ٢٠٢٢ م فعاليات مؤتمر الاباء اساقفة الكنيسة القبطية الارثوذكسية باوروبا والذي انعقد في ضيافة نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا / انتوني بايرلندا بكنيسة القديسين مكسيموس و دوماديوس ب Dublin في الفترة من يوم الثلاثاء ٤/ ١٠/ ٢٠٢٢ م الي يوم الخميس ٦/ ١٠/ ٢٠٢٢ م.
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وقد بدأت الفعاليات بكلمة من قداسة البابا تواضروس الثاني من خلال تطبيق زووم ، ثم كلمة للسفيرة سها سمير ناشد جندي وزيرة الهجرة وشئون المصريين بالخارج ، وكذلك كان هناك لقاء ايضا مع نيافة الانبا / موسي اسقف الشباب للاطمئنان على صحة نيافته ، ثم تبادل الاباء الكلمات طبقاً للبرنامج الموضوع مسبقاً ، و تناقشوا في بعض الامور الرعوية لتبادل الخبرات ولتوحيد الفكر في الرد علي الشكوك الايمانية والحروب الروحية الاخري والتي تنتشر في المجتمع والتي تحارب شبابنا من الجيل الثاني والثالث ، مع تبادل خبرات الاباء الاساقفة.
واثناء اللقاءات القي أبونا بولس الأنطوني محاضره وبحث عن الكرازه بالمسيحيه عن طريق السبعه رهـبان الأقباط الذين بشروا بإيرلندا في القرن الرابع ، وصلي الاباء الاساقفة قداس الهي معا بكنيسة العذراء مريم و الشهيدة دميانة بمدينة Bray و ايضا تم زيارة دير مارجرجس للراهبات والاستماع الي الراهـبتين الام ڤيلومينا و الام چابريلا عن دراستهـما وحصولهما علي درجة الماچستير بإمتياز مع مرتبة الشرف في الخمسين رسالة للانبا مكاريوس و القديس باخوميوس وحياة الشركة. وايضا اهميتهما وتاثيرهما علي المجتمع وخدمتهما في فتره وباء الكورونا مع كلمه ختاميه عن الحياه الديريه والأنشطه المتعدده وتأثيرهـما الفعال في المجتمع واحترام وحب الجميع لتواجدهما وخدمتهما.
وقد كان المؤتمر مفرحاً مثمراً.
وتم الاتفاق علي ان يكون اللقاء الثاني في ضيافة نيافة الانبا مارك في باريس في بداية الخمسين المقدسة٢٠٢٣.
His Grace Bishop Antony welcomed Fr. Mark Naseef, who arrived to serve at St Augustine Church in Guildford.
On Sunday 22nd Meshir 1736 for the martyrs, 1st of March 2020, His Grace Bishop Antony prayed the Holy Liturgy at St. Augustine Church in Guildford. His Grace was joined by Fr. Mark Naseef, Fr. Abadeer Elmakary and Fr. Yousif Yassa. After the Liturgy, His Grace and the Church congregation welcomed Fr. Mark Naseef and his family wishing him a blessed and fruitful service at St. Augustine Church in Guildford.
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زيارة نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا موسي اسقف الشباب
في يوم الاثنين ٩ أمشير ١٧٣٦ للشهداء الموافق ١٧ فبراير .٢.٢، قام نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا موسي اسقف الشباب بزيارة دير البابا أثناسيوس الرسولي بالإبارشية. وقد كان في استقبال نيافته، نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا أنتوني أسقف الإبارشية ورئيس الدير .
وعند وصول نيافته، صلي رفع بخور عشية وبعدها جلس جلسة روحية مع الاباء الرهبان في مجمع الدير ولفيف من الشعب من أحباء وزوار الدير.
وفي صباح اليوم التالي صلي الاباء الأساقفة قداساً حبرياً بكنيسة البابا اثناسيوس بالدير وقد تم نقل القداس علي البث المباشر. بعدها قام نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا موسي وبرفقته بعض من الاباء الكهنة والرهبان بالتجوال حول مرافق الدير المختلفة وأبدي اعجابه بالدير ومرافقه ومنتجاته.
وفي عصر نفس اليوم قام نيافته بمغادرة الدير متمنياً لنيافة الانبا انتوني حياة طويلة مديدة مليئة بالتعمير والخدمة المثمرة.
Bishop Moussa, the Youth Bishop’s visit to St Athanasius’ Monastery in Scarborough
On Monday 9th Meshir 1736 for the Martyrs, the 17th February 2020, His Grace Bishop Moussa the Youth Bishop, paid a visit to St. Athanasius Monastery in Scarborough. He was welcomed by His Grace Bishop Antony, the Diocese’s Bishop and the Abbot of the Monastery. On arrival, His Grace Bishop Moussa prayed the Vespers, after which he had a spiritual talk with the monks and some of the congregation visiting the monastery.
The next day, the Bishops prayed the Holy Liturgy in St Athanasius’ Church in the Monastery, which was broadcasted live. After the Liturgy, His Grace Bishop Moussa, accompanied by some of the clergy and monks toured the Monastery. In the evening, His Grace Bishop Moussa left the Monastery wishing His Grace Bishop Antony a long life filled with more fruitful services and blessings.
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Under the patronage of His Grace Bishop Antony, the youth conference was held from Friday 20th December 2019 to Sunday 22nd December 2019 at the Coptic Cultural Centre in Ireland. The guest speaker was His Grace Bishop Abakir on the theme “In this the children of God are manifest”. The youth had a great time socially and spiritually.
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Under the patronage of His Grace Bishop Antony, the Church of the Seven Coptic Monks had their annual celebration on Saturday 9th November 2019. His Grace Bishop Antony led the Holy Liturgy, with the presence of our fathers, the priests, monks and the nuns in the Republic of Ireland.
After the Liturgy, the congregation assembled with His Grace and the Sunday School children and youth performed in honour of the celebration.
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On Thursday the 17th October 2019, His Grace Bishop Antony, the bishop of the Diocese and the Abbot of St Athanasius Monastery in Scarborough accompanied by His Grace Bishop Salib of Meetgamr in Egypt, ordained two novice monks as monks by the names Shenouda St Athanasius and Isaac St Athanasius.
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On Saturday 28th September 2019, His Grace Bishop Antony prayed the Holy Liturgy to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the consecration of Archangel Michael and St Bishoy’s church. His Grace was joined by Rev. Fr. Angelos ElAntony, the parish priest of Archangel Michael and St Bishoy’s church, Rev. Fr. Yousif Yassa the general priest, Rev. Fr. Antonious Nageeb, Rev. Fr. Abadeer ElMakary, Rev. Fr. Daoud AvaMina, Rev. Fr. Yagoub Wadie, Rev. Fr. Looka Kamil, Rev. Fr. Kyrillos Asaad and Rev. Fr. Mina Barsoum. The many Coptic congregations from around England also joined us on this joyous day.
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Under the patronage of HG Bishop Antony, our church in Scotland organised a conference themed “Be Bold” during the period from 27th-29th September 2019.
The guest speaker was father Anthony Murad. The youths spent a blessed, happy time spiritually and socially.
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Under the blessings, guidance and patronage of His Grace Bishop Antony, St. Mary and St. Demiana’s church in Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland celebrated 25 years since its consecration by His Holiness Pope Shenouda III.
In September 1994, the Church named after the Virgin Mary and St. Demiana (Princess of Martyrs) became the first Coptic Orthodox Church in Ireland and served members from the Coptic community as well as our brothers and sisters in the Syrian, Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox communities.
On Saturday the 14th of September, 2019, the Mother church of Ireland celebrated this anniversary in the midst of our beloved Bishop Antony, Fr. Theophilos Ava Mina, Fr. Epiphanious Ava Mina, Fr. Rouies Ava Bishoy, Fr. Boules el Antony, Fr. Kyrillos Hanna, Fr. Angelos el Antony, Fr. Morcos St. Athanasius, Fr. Paul St. Athanasius, M. Philomena St. George, M. Gabriella St. George and members of the church communities from the other churches in Ireland.
The day began with the Divine Liturgy and consisted of each Church choir singing hymns, presenting a play, presentations from the youth and a sermon from His Grace on the history of the Coptic community in Ireland – starting with the first Holy Liturgy in Ireland in 1979.
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On Tuesday 3rd September 2019, HG Bishop Sourial started his 7 day visit to the diocese, where he was welcomed by HG Bishop Antony, the Bishop of the Diocese. Bishop Sourial first visited St Athanasuis’ Monastery in Scarborough, North East England. He then left to the Republic of Ireland for a six day visit, during which he visited, prayed vespers, liturgies and held spiritual talks at the churches in Dublin, Bray, Cahir and Galway. He also visited St Athanasius’ Monastery in Waterford and St George’s Abbey in Delvin where he prayed vespers, midnight praises and masses. His Grace did not miss out on the tourist attractions of the Republic of Ireland and left on Monday 9th September 2019.
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On Thursday 29th August 2019, His grace Bishop Seraphim Bishop of Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana, United States of America visited the diocese. During His Grace’s visit, he had been to St Athanasuis’ Monastery in Scarborough where he prayed the midnight praises and the Holy Liturgy. He then blessed a wedding and prayed a Holy Liturgy at St George and St Athanasius Cathedral in NewCastle with His grace Bishop Antony before he returned to the United States of America.
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On Sunday the 4th August 2019, His Grace Bishop Antony prayed the Holy Liturgy at St Mary and St Michael Church in Glasgow, Scotland. His Grace was joined by Father Elisha Ramzi who arrived with his family to serve in the church.
After the Liturgy, His Grace and the Church congregation welcomed Fr. Elisha Ramzi and his family.
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”76″ display=”basic_thumbnail” thumbnail_crop=”0″]Under the patronage of His Grace Bishop Antony, St. Marina’s Church in Bristol celebrated the commemoration of the martyrdom of St Marina on Saturday 27th July 2019. His Grace Bishop Antony joined with our fathers the priests prayed the Holy Liturgy followed by the veneration of the relics and then His grace blessed the start of a one day fund raising event.
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”75″ display=”basic_thumbnail” thumbnail_crop=”0″]Under the patronage of His Grace Bishop Antony, the Diocese organised the youth and family conference on “ Church Unity”. The conference was held at Whitemoor Lakes Activity Centre in Litchfield from Friday 19th July to Sunday 21st July 2019, with His Eminence Metropolitan Sarapion of Los Angelos as the guest speaker.
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Under the patronage and with the blessing of HG Bishop Antony, the Diocese hosted the youth conference from Friday 21/06 to Sunday 23/06 at the Coptic Cultural Centre in Cahir, Republic of Ireland, with Rev. Fr. Boules George as the guest speaker.
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باسم الأب والابن والروح القدس الاله الواحد أمين
“وَلاَ يَأْخُذُ أَحَدٌ هذِهِ الْوَظِيفَةَ بِنَفْسِهِ، بَلِ الْمَدْعُوُّ مِنَ اللهِ، كَمَا هَارُونُ أَيْضًا.” (عب ٥: ٤)
احتفلت إيبارشية ايرلندا واسكتلندا وشمال شرق إنجلترا وتوابعها بالمركز الثقافي القبطي بمدينة كير بايرلندا بتذكار تكريس اول كنيسة علي اسم الشهيد العظيم مارمينا العجائبي وتذكار استلام جسد مامرقس الرسول كاروز الديار المصرية
وقد ترأس صلاة القداس الالهي نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا انتوني
اسقف الإبارشية ورئيس دير البابا اثاناسيوس الرسولي للرهبان بإنجلترا ودير مارجرجس للراهبات بايرلندا وفيه تمت سيامة الدكتور منير ايليا ماهر اسحق ككاهن عام بالابارشية باسم القس يوحنا بحضور لفيف من الاباء كهنة الإبارشية والأمهات الراهبات والشباب والشابات المشاركين في مؤتمر الشباب المنعقد في المركز في الفترة ما بين الجمعة ٢١/ ٦ الي ٢٣/ ٦. وقد كان يوماً مبارك ومفرحاً جداً.
الف مبروك نيافة الانبا انتوني ومجمع كهنة الإبارشية والف مبروك ابونا يوحنا نعمة الكهنوت.
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On Sunday 26th May 2019, His Grace Bishop Antony, the Bishop of the Diocese accompanied by Rev. Fr. Yousif Yassa, visited His Grace Bishop Moussa, General Bishop for the Bishopric of Youth Affairs, at his residence in London. Rev. Fr. Antonious Thabit of St Mark’s Church in London, was attending with a group of St Mark’s congregation in London.
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On Thursday 23rd May 2019, His Grace Bishop Antony, the Bishop of the Diocese and the Abbot of St Athanasius’ Monastery in Scarborough welcomed His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Abbot of St. Shenouda the Archimandrite’s Monastery in Sydney, Australia accompanied by Rev. Fr. Antonious ElAntony, at St Athanasius’ Monastery in Scarborough as part of Bishop Daniel’s visit to the Diocese. Bishop Daniel prayed the Tasbeha, Holy liturgies and had a tour around the Monastery. HG stayed until Saturday 25th May 2019.
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On Monday 20th May 2019, His Grace Bishop Antony, the Bishop of the Diocese accompanied by Rev. Fr. Angelos ElAntony visited His Eminence Metropolitan Pachomius, Metropolitan of the Holy Metropolis of Beheira (Thmuis and Hermopolis Parva), (Buto), Mariout (Mareotis), Marsa Matruh (Paraetonium), (Apis), Patriarchal Exarch of Libya: (Livis, Marmarica, Darnis and Tripolitania) and the Great and Ancient Metropolis of Pentapolis, at his residence in London.
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Under the patronage and with the presence of His Grace Bishop Antony, Bishop of the Diocese of Ireland, Scotland, North East England and Its Affiliated Regions and the Abbot of St Athanasuis’ Monastery in the Republic of Ireland, St.Athanasuis’ Monastery celebrated on Sunday the 19th May 2019, the commemoration of the departure of St. Athanasuis the apostolic, the defender of faith and the 20th Pope of Alexandria. His Grace Bishop Antony prayed the Holy Liturgy at the Monastery with the participation of the priests in the Republic of Ireland and the attendance of the monks, nuns and some of the congregation there. After the Holy Liturgy, His Grace celebrated with the congregation.
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Under the patronage and with the presence of His Grace Bishop Antony,
Bishop of the Diocese of Ireland, Scotland, North East England and Its Affiliated Regions and the Abbot of St George’s Abbey in the Republic of Ireland, St. George’s Abbey celebrated today 18th May 2019, the first anniversary of the official recognition of the convent as the first Coptic Orthodox Convent in Europe. His Grace Bishop Antony prayed the Holy Liturgy at the Abbey with the participation of the priests in the Republic of Ireland and the attendance of the nuns and some of the congregation there. After the Holy Liturgy, His Grace celebrated with the congregation.
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تحت رعاية نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا انتوني اسقف الإبارشية ورئيس دير البابا اثناسيوس الرسولي باسكاربرو احتفل دير البابا اثناسيوس الرسولي يوم الثلاثاء ١٤ مايو بعشية عيد نياحة البابا اثناسيوس الرسولي حامي الايمان . وقد بارك الاحتفال نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا انتوني حيث قام نيافته بتطيب رفات البابا اثناسيوس الرسولي وسط حضور وفرحة الاباء والاخوة في الدير وبعض من محبي البابا اثناسيوس
بركة شفاعة البابا اثناسيوس الرسولي فلتكن معنا امين.الرسولي حامي الايمان.
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On Sunday 12th May 2019, His Grace Bishop Antony visited the church of St Mary and St George the prince of martyrs in Plymouth. His Grace prayed the Holy Liturgy with Abouna Sarabamoun, Abouna Yagoub and Abouna Yousif. During the Holy Liturgy, Bishop Antony ordained 7 deacons in the Chanter’s rank. After the Holy Liturgy, His Grace blessed the congregation.
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On the sixth Sunday of the Holy Lent, 14th April 2019. His Grace Bishop Antony prayed the Holy Liturgy at St. Michael and St. Bishoy Church in Margate. On the same day, His Grace concluded a three day hymns conference which was from the 12th -14th April 2019, which was participated by many children from different churches of the diocese.
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Under the patronage and with the presence of His Grace Bishop Antony, the diocese had the blessing of His Grace Bishop Bernaba of Rome addressing youth and families on “The Active faith”, in a three days faith and doctrine conference.
The conference was held at the Coptic Cultural Centre in Ireland from Friday 14th December – Sunday 16th December 2018.
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His Grace Bishop Antony,
Bishop of Ireland, Scotland, North East England and Its Affiliated Regions prayed the Holy Liturgy today the 29th Hathor 1735 of the Martyrs, 8th December 2018 at St. Augustine Church in Guildford, celebrating the commemoration of the three major feasts of our Lord Jesus Christ: the Annunciation, the Nativity and the Resurrection. In a joyful atmosphere and with the attendance of the church’s happy congregation, joined by our fathers, Fr. Antonious, Fr.Isaac, Fr. Abadeer, Fr. Kyrillos and Fr. Yousif, His Grace ordained Dr. Albert Attalla to the rank of Deacon, with the name Peter. Congratulations to Bishop Antony, Deacon Peter and the whole of Guildford’s church congregation.
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Under the patronage and through the prayers of His Grace Bishop Antony, the diocese organised the Youth Apologetics Conference.
This was from Friday 21st September 2018 until Sunday 23rd September 2018, at the Coptic Orthodox Centre in Cahir, Republic of Ireland, with the presence of the guest speaker Apologist George Bassilios.
The conference was very successful and benefited a great number of youth who attended from different regions from across the Republic of Ireland and the UK.
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On the 9th August 2018, Bishop Antony accompanied by His Grace Bishop Abakir of the Scandinavian Countries and His Grace Bishop Karas of Pennsylvania and Its Affiliated Regions, ordained a monk by the name Karas St Athanasius at St Athanasius Monastery in Scarborough.
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Under the patronage and with the presence of His Grace Bishop Antony, the Diocese of Ireland, Scotland, NE England and Its Affiliated Regions organised a family and youth conference with the title of, “Redeeming the time”and with Rev. Fr. Daoud Lamie as the guest speaker. This was from 20th to 22nd July 2018.
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His Grace Bishop Antony attended the youth conference in Sweden from Wednesday 27/06/2018 to Saturday 30/06/2018, accompanied by M. Gaberialla and M. Philomena from St. George Abbey in Ireland. M. Gabriella and M. Philomena had the opportunity to deliver an amazing talk about the girl’s monastic life in a spiritual, educational and interesting way. Their Grace Bishop Abakeer of the Scandinavian countries, Bishop Karas of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia, Bishop Arsany of the Netherlands, Bishop Angelos of London, attended the conference and were greatly impressed by the mothers’ service.
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On Saturday 9th June 2018, His Grace Bishop Antony blessed St. George’s Convent in Ireland, with his presence and prayed the Divine Liturgy. After the Holy Liturgy, His Grace recounted the history of the convent’s establishment to the day it was officially recognised by the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church on the 18th May 2018. In honour of this occasion, the official recognition of the convent as the first Coptic Orthodox Convent in Europe, there was a big celebration. A great number of priests, monks and the congregation participated in the Liturgy and the celebrations. We deeply congratulate His Grace Bishop Antony, the Abbot of the convent and would also like to congratulate the whole diocese and the convent of nuns.
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On Tuesday 1st May 2018, St George’s Abbey in Delvin at the Republic of Ireland, celebrated the feast of martyrdom of St. George the prince of martyrs and the patron saint of the Abbey. The celebrations started with the Holy Liturgy lead by His Grace Bishop Antony, the Abbot of the Abbey, with the presence of M. Gabriella and M. Philomena and some of the priests.
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During the patronage of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the see of St. Mark, on the holy Thursday the 5th of April 2018, Pope Kyrillos VI’s House for deacons was opened by His Grace Bishop Antony
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On Sunday 25th March 2018, His Grace Bishop Antony prayed the Holy Liturgy in St. Athanasius the Apostolic Church in Norwich. After the Liturgy, His Grace Bishop Antony laid the foundation stone for the new church with the presence of Fr. Shishoy ElAntony, the parish priest and supervisor of the building of the new church, Fr. Yousif Yassa, the general priest of the diocese, Fr. Samuel and the overjoyed congregation of the church.
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HG Bishop Antony praying the Holy Liturgy of the Sixth Sunday of the Holy Lent at the church of St Mary and St Theodore in Hastings on Saturday 24 March 2018, with the presence of our fathers the priests and the congregation.
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On Tuesday 13th February 2018, HG Bishop Antony ordained Mr. Kyrillos Gaber as a novice monk with the name Daniel. This was at St Athanasius Monastery in Scarborough, UK with the presence of the Monastery’s fathers and brethren.
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HG Bishop Antony welcoming HG Bishop Pavly during his visit to the monasteries and churches in the Republic of Ireland between 24th-26th December 2017 with the presence of the priests, monks and nuns in the Republic of Ireland.
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HG Bishop Antony welcoming HG Bishop Pavly as the guest speaker at the families’ conference at St Michael and St Bishoy Church in Margate-Kent between the 22nd-24th December 2017 with the presence of our fathers, the priests and the families taking part in the conference.
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On the 26th November 2017, at St George Cathedral; HG Bishop Antony, with the attendance of some of the diocese’s priests, celebrated the Coptic Festival closing ceremony with the Sunday school children and the church congregation in New Castle
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On Saturday 25th November 2017, HG Bishop Antony laid his holy hands with the participation of HG Bishop Abakir of the Scandinavian countries and HG Bishop Arsany of Netherlands and ordained deacon Michael as a priest at St Mark church in Kirkcaldy-Scotland by the name of John; with the presence of our fathers, the priests and the congregation of St Mark.
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On Saturday 7th October 2017, HG Bishop Antony prayed the first Holy Liturgy at the new church in Ipswich named after St.Mary and St. Shishoy the great with the presence of our fathers, the priests and the congregation in Ipswich.
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Under the patronage of HG Bishop Antony, the service started in Hastings and the Holy Liturgy was first held on Saturday 16th September 2017.
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HG Bishop Antony welcoming HG Bishop Abakir as the guest speaker in the annual family and youth conference that took place at the Coptic Culture Centre in Cahir- the Republic of Ireland from the 1st-3rd of September 2017, with the presence of our fathers, the priests and the congregation in Cahir.
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On Sunday 27th August 2017, HG Bishop Antony prayed the first Holy Liturgy at the new church named after Archangel Michael And St Mina in Swansea, South West Wales. He ordained new deacons, and spent an amazing time with the congregation in Swansea.
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On Saturday 12th August 2017, HG Bishop Antony with the presence of our fathers, the priests prayed the first Holy Liturgy in the new Church in York named after the recent Coptic Martyrs with the presence of the congregation in York.
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On the 15th July 2017, HG Bishop Antony prayed the Holy Liturgy with our fathers, the priests and some of the congregation in St. George’s Abbey in the Republic of Ireland. It was a pleasant day in which HG Bishop Antony, the priests and some of the congregation in the Republic of Ireland, welcomed the two nuns, Sister Gabriella and Sister Philomena who arrived from Egypt to establish the monastic life in St. George’s Abbey in the Republic of Ireland.
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On July 2017, at St George Cathedral in Newcastle, HG Bishop Antony welcomed HG Bishop Elia on his visit to the Diocese
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Director of the Middle East and North Africa welcoming HH Pope Tawadros II and their grace the accompanying bishops in the Department of foreign affairs and trade with the presence of HG Bishop Antony and her Excellency Soha Gendy, the Egyptian Ambassador to the Republic of Ireland, May 2017
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”30″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]Secretary General of the Houses of the Oireachtas Service welcoming HH Pope Tawadros II and their grace the accompanying bishops in the Parliament with the presence of HG Bishop Antony and her Excellency Soha Gendy, the Egyptian Ambassador to the Republic of Ireland, May 2017
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”29″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]His excellency the President of the Republic of Ireland welcoming HH Pope Tawadros II and His Grace Bishop Antony and their Grace the accompanying bishops during the papal visit to the Republic of Ireland, May 2017
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”28″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]HH Pope Tawadros II and their grace the accompanying bishops being welcomed by His Grace Bishop Antony and Her Excellency Soha Gendy, the Egyptian Ambassador in the Egyptian house in the Republic of Ireland, May 2017
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”27″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]His Grace Bishop Antony welcoming HH Pope Tawadros II and their Grace the accompanying bishops during the papal visit to St Athanasius Monastery in the Republic of Ireland.
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”26″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]His Grace Bishop Antony welcoming HH Pope Tawadros II and their Grace the accompanying bishops during the papal visit to St George Abbey for Nuns in the Republic of Ireland, May 2017
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His Grace Bishop Antony with HH Pope Tawadros II and their Grace the accompanying bishops during the consecration of the church of St Maximous and St Dometious in Dublin, Republic of Ireland, May 2017
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”24″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]His Grace Bishop Antony welcoming HH Pope Tawadros II and their Grace the bishops accompanying HH in St Mary and St Demiana Church in Bray, Republic of Ireland
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”23″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]The archbishop of the church of Ireland welcoming HH Pope Tawadros II and their Grace the bishops accompanying His Holiness, during his papal visit to the Republic of Ireland with the presence of HG Bishop Antony, May 2017.
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”22″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]The Consecration of St Athanasuis Monastery’s Church and Ordination of Fr. John, Fr. Antony & Fr. Paul as priests by HH Pope Tawadros II during his papal visit to St Athanasuis Monastery in the Republic of Ireland May 2017
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”21″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]HG Bishop Antony with HH Pope Tawadros the second, at St Mina’s Church, during his papal visit to Republic of Ireland May 2017
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”20″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]HG Bishop Antony welcoming HH Pope Tawadros II during his papal visit to the Diocese at St Augustine’s Church Guildford-Surrey & the reception held in honour of His Holiness May 2017
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”19″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]HG Bishop Antony & HG Bishop Pavlos of Greece blessing the Priests’ conference in Athens from 13th February-16th February 2017
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”18″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]HG Bishop Antony & HG Bishop Makarious of Elminea blessing the Diocese’s Family Conference in St Mina Church-Orthodox Cultural Centre – Cahir, Republic of Ireland 27th-29th December 2016
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”17″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]HG Bishop Antony & HG Bishop Makarious of Elminea blessing the Diocese’s Family & Youth Conference in St Augustine Guildford-Surrey 23rd-27th December 2016
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”16″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]
Bishop Antony laid his Holy hands on Dr. David Adel and ordained him as a novice monk with the name Ishag. This was at St Athanasuis Monastery in Scarborough UK.
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”12″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]
HG Bishop Antony blessing the Priests’ Conference from the 4th-6th October 2016 in Rome-Italy
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”15″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”0″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]
HG Bishop Antony invited HG Bishop Basilious (the Abbot of St Samuel Monastery in Egypt) to visit St Athanasuis Monastery in the UK and pray the Holy Mass. HG Bishop Basilious accepted the invitation and prayed the Holy Mass on Wednesday 08/10/2016 with HG Bishop Antony and the fathers.
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”11″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]HG Bishop Antony and the diocese’s fathers welcoming HE Metropolitan Kyrillos at Dublin Airport during his visit to Ireland on Friday 05/08/2016
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”10″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]This is the gallery for novice monks at St Athanasuis Monastery in Scarborough UK ordained by H. G. Bishop Antony.
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”9″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”4″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”1″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]
H G Bishop Antony blessing the Holy Mass in Margate on Sunday 31/07/2016 with the presence of our fathers the priests; on the final day of a three days summer conference by the youth of St Mary and St Abraam church Brighton.
With the Blessing of H.G. Bishop Antony and the presence of our fathers the priests, we celebrated the feast of martyrdom of St Marina , in her church in Bristol UK on Saturday 30/07/2016
The late Pope Shenouda III and H G Bishope Antony with the Ambassdor of Ireland
Monks ordained at St Athanasius Monastery
H G Bishop Antony visited the injured from the All Saints church – Egypt
H G Bishop Antony at Switzerland
[ngg_images source=”galleries” display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”20″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”0″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]